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Understanding shock technology and its value can be the difference between winning and 2nd place.


With help from BHE, fine tuning your race car's shocks will give you a competitive edge! Special valving can make your shocks handle the way you need them to, rather than the standard way most drivers are accustomed to. Whether it is a rebuild, repair, or a brand new shock, we will make sure your shock program gives you the edge you need to win races and championships.

Shock Servic Room at Bob Harris Enterprises

BHE Shock Services: Our shock department is equipped to rebuild, repair, revalve & dyno your current shocks. We can work on any rebuildable AFCO, CSI or JRi shock, whether you purchased it from BHE or not.

Racing shock shaft
Shock service

Our REBUILD Service: Over the course of a season dirt and grime can penetrate the shock seals and get inside. When this happens, the shock will begin to wear out and fade. Routine maintenance will preserve the life of this important suspension part of your chassis and maximize performance. Service & Maintenance is vital to keeping your chassis handling well – your shocks are no exception

Our standard rebuild service includes:
• Complete disassembly, thorough cleaning, and inspection of the shock main components
• Replacement of all O-Rings and seals
• New oil replacement
• Replace necessary valve shims
• Dyno and set to factory specs
• Serial number assignment (for future reference)

Our REPAIR Services: Bob Harris Enterprises can bring shocks back to life from some of the most severe shock damage. We have the equipment & technology to repair any of the brands we carry. If your damaged shock is repairable, our factory trained shock engineers can fix your shock and get it back to you in a timely manner.

Racing shock with bent shaft
Set of 6 BHE racing shocks

Our REVALVE Services: Our authorized shock specialist can improve your current shock package by revalving the current package into what you need. Through this process gives the experts at BHE are able to custom tune your shocks to your specific driving style, your chassis and the tracks you race.  We can change the valving in your current AFCO, CSI or JRi shock to make the shock work better for you.

Our DYNO Service: When you purchase new shocks or have us rebuild your current shocks we are committed to ensure your shocks are performing correctly. We will dyno your shocks free of charge to compare it to the original settings for as long as you own the shock. Each shock we sell or rebuild is given a serial number and kept in our data system for reference. This enables us to compare each individual shock to its own original settings. We dyno each shock, allowing us to verify the shocks current performance before and after repair and customs builds.

Racing shock dyno service at BHE with Bobby Harris
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